New Board Members Elected!

We are thrilled to announce the successful election of our new Lakeside Key Homeowners Association (HOA) Board from the board meeting held on June 28, 2023! After careful consideration and a robust voting process, we are excited to introduce the following individuals who will be leading our community forward:

1. Vanessa - President
2. Aaron “Chuck” - Vice President
3. Mervis - Treasurer
4. Debbie - Secretary
5. Rudy - Director

These highly dedicated homeowners have graciously volunteered their time and skills to ensure Lakeside Key continues to thrive. Their role will be instrumental in enhancing our community's upkeep, organizing neighborhood events, and addressing residents' concerns. We extend our deepest gratitude to our outgoing board members for their exceptional contribution and welcome our newly elected members with open arms.

Please see the Contact page for information on how to reach out to any of the Board Members